Entrust Consultores: Global services for Oracle

Located in:

Costa Rica, Venezuela, United States y Spain

Information Management

Information Management

Entrust puts at your disposal the most complete business intelligence business suite: Oracle Business Intelligence, a powerful solution that allows you to improve management control and decision making, through the integration of the information generated by the different departments of the company.

Indeed, Oracle Business Intelligence captures, stores, consolidates and distributes the data provided by the areas of finance, sales, marketing, services, procurement and HR, within a business command center that provides a complete and updated view of the evolution of the deal.

Therefore, Oracle Business Intelligence is aimed especially at general managers, financial managers, and area managers, whom it offers as benefits:

  • Have a 360 ° vision of the company.
  • Take strategic decisions based on relevant information.
  • Increase the efficiency of the company. Save on operating costs.
  • Improve customer service Increase sales.


  • The follow up to the strategic plan of the organization.
  • Obtaining specific indicators for each business area.
  • Greater speed in the issuance of global reports or sections.
  • The possibility of sharing information among all the components of the organization.
  • A user-friendly, flexible and fast tool that facilitates the tasks of information analysis.
  • The presentation and export of information in multiple formats and file types.
  • Access to strategic information and in real time through the Web.

Our Certification