Entrust Consultores: Global services for Oracle

Located in:

Costa Rica, Venezuela, United States y Spain

Cloud Integration

Cloud Integration

Entrust helps you getting towards to the cloud:

  • Cloud Assessment: Taking as a starting point your objectives, we will conduct a study of the current state of your business from the technological level, in order to outline your current infrastructure and identify the measures to take to help you reach your goals.
  • Solutions: Next, we identify the Cloud technologies that best drive those objectives and design different scenarios with different options about how your new infrastructure will look like. As a result you will receive the best sales proposal that fits your organization and objectives.

The technologies on which Entrust is based for the design of these solutions for integration in the cloud are:

  • Oracle Integration Cloud Service (OIC)
  • Oracle API Platform Cloud Service
  • Oracle Visual Builder Cloud
  • APEX

We can come up with different Cloud environments:

Public Cloud. Public development Managed in its integrity and structured by the service provider.


Private Cloud, Cloud developed exclusively for the client, who determines all the details, infrastructure, security, service objective


Hybrid Cloud. If your concern is the hermetic protection of your data by regulations, we can propose a hybrid cloud scheme that keeps the advantages of the public and private cloud.


Community Cloud Specific cloud model for businesses that share interests and characteristics different from those offered in the most generic model of the cloud..




Also there are different combinations of element integration:

In conclusion, it allows us a global integration between the Oracle cloud, other clouds and on premise applications.

  • Paradigm shift: At this point, knowing the enormous value that cloud solutions add to your organization, all that remains is to take the step …

“The question is not whether we go to the cloud, but when …”